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The ACCJ’s members include all academic and teaching staff of the Department of Criminal Law at the Amsterdam Law School, as well as external (PhD) researchers associated with the Department.

Research and Educational Staff (alphabetical order)


Prof. mr. T. (Tom) Blom

Professor Criminal Law

Prof. mr. dr. S. (Sven) Brinkhoff

Professor Criminal Law

M.M. (Marta) Campos Pinto da Cruz

PhD Candidate (LLM)

Mr. C. (Charlotte) Ganzeboom

PhD researcher (LLM)

Mr. S.V. (Bas) Hellemons

PhD Fellow (LLM)

Dr M.P. (Mathias) Holvoet

Associate Professor (LLM)

Mr. dr. A.M. (Marieke) de Hoon

Associate Professor (LLM)

Mr. Ş.I.S. (Sezgi) Iyibilir LLM

Lecturer Criminal law (LLM)

Mr. M. (Merle) Kooijman MA

PhD Fellow (LLM)

M. (Marialejandra) Moreno Mantilla

Faculty of Law

Criminal Law

Prof. dr. mr. M.E. (Miranda) de Meijer

Endowed professor Criminal Law (LLM)

Mr. drs. S. (Sophie) Mommers

Lecturer / Researcher (LLM)

Dr H.A. (Hadassa) Noorda

Associate Professor (LLM)

Mr. V.J.W. (Vincent) Peeters

PhD fellow (LLM)

Prof. G.K. (Göran) Sluiter

Professor International Criminal Law (in particular international criminal justice trial)

Mr. A.T. (Bram) Smith

Lecturer Criminal Law (LLM)

Mr. M. (Maike) Steen

Lecturer Criminal Law (LLM)

M.B. (Marc) Tiernan

PhD candidate (LLM)

J.A. (Joëlle) Trampert

PhD Candidate (LLM)

Research fellows

  • Usay Aysev – external PhD researcher
  • Cleo Hoetmer – external PhD researcher  
  • Nicky Touw LLM – PhD researcher (OU) 
  • James Lin - external PhD researcher
  • Merel Brouwer - research assistant in COMCRIM
  • Julia de Weijer - research assistant in COMCRIM
  • Eliah English - research assistant in COMCRIM
  • Tina Sakelliou - research assistant in COMCRIM
  • Trinethra Veeraraghavan - research assistant in COMCRIM
  • Weichen Tang - research assistant in COMCRIM
  • Natasha Vohra - student assistant