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Join us for the final 'Rethinking SLIC' conference with fellow academics and practitioners from around the globe on May 31 at the University of Amsterdam.
Event details of Conference on Rethinking Secondary Liability for International Crimes
31 May 2024
09:30 -17:00
A3.15 (Moot Court room)
Organised by
Prof. Göran Sluiter

As the situations in Gaza, Ukraine, Syria or Sudan show, international crimes and serious human rights violations do not take place in isolation, but are facilitated by a broad and cross-border network of supporting actors. These secondary actors, be it States, corporations, or individuals, often escape liability. The Rethinking SLIC project aims to develop and enhance the legal framework, based on theory and practice, for determining the outer limits of ‘secondary liability’ for international crimes and serious human rights violations.

After almost six years, the working groups of the project will come together at the UvA to present their findings on the applicable legal framework in civil law, criminal law, and the Law of State Responsibility, against the backdrop of a comprehensive theoretical framework and human rights norms. Presentations will be accompanied by input from renowned practitioners and academics in the field, including Harmen van der Wilt, Channa Samkalden, Kristin Rosella, Lachezar Yanev and André Nollkaemper, among others.

If you would like to join us on 31 May 2024, please sign up via the registration form. Due to limited availability, spots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The full program will be published on soon.

Roeterseilandcampus - building A

Room A3.15 (Moot Court room)
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam